The document library provides a digital archive for storing and retrieving D&D related
documents. Documents currently included in the library are current and past Integrated
Safety Solutions Center (ISSC) Activity reports from the Savannah River Site, archived
activity reports from the Hanford ALARA Center, relevant reports from international
D&D community, Applied Research Center’s D&D Technical reports and factsheets, and
D&D Knowledge Management Information Update Newsletters.
The user may search these documents using a basic text string search. The basic
search allows the user to input a simple word or phrase to return documents containing
the search term(s).
Additional documents will soon be added to the library. The Innovative Technology
Summary Reports (Green Books) currently linked from the D&D KM-IT home page has
moved to the document library. In addition, D&D relevant documents such as Hanford
ALARA Center’s fixative list has also been added. The contents of the document library
will also increase in the future as registered users contribute to the digital library
by uploading documents related to D&D. The documents will go through a custom approval
process before being made available on the D&D KM-IT system.