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Contaminated Cable > Solution Details

Building a scoop

Solution entered: 1/17/2008    Solution updated: 3/20/2008

Recommend building a scoop using a box similar to a pizza box and cutting between two opposite corners in a circular motion so that it is shaped like a half-moon. The radius of this cut should be a 12" radius to correspond to the curvature of the drum. Then use tape to create a narrow slit on the circular portion of the box. At the 90 degree corner, attach a funnel that has a large enough diameter to fit the vacuum cleaner or ventilation hose. Airborne radioactive material will be captured in the airstreams if the velocity is ~125 fpm or greater and having a narrow slit creates greater velocity than a wider opening. Take this to a sheetmetal shop and have it constructed out of metal. NFS/RPS sells a drum inspection hood for use with their vent units that is much better than a portable scoop. See their website.


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