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Highly Contaminated Soil Remediation

Solution entered: 3/8/2011    Solution updated: **********

Washington Closure Hanford (WCH) is currently in the planning process to remediate contaminated soil which resulted from a leaking hot cell. The extent of the leak has the potential to be extensive and the contaminated soil itself is estimated to be a very high radiation area. WCH is currently evaluating a pressure grouting process to remove the soil as a monolith, pumping hot wax or other fixatives into the soil, and remote technologies to remove the soil once treated. However, all options are currently on the table. The WCH engineering contact is Don McBride (509-554-9202, djmcbrid@wch-rcc.com) and the radiological engineering contact is Rick Reeder (509-619-9245, rjreeder@wch-rcc.com) both are interested in sharing information they have learned and hearing about your ideas.


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