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Tech Talk - Archive

Significance of Resilient Analytics in Achieving the Energy Resilience of Microgrids

Florida International University (FIU) is conducting a series of D&D Tech Talks focusing on D&D topics relevant to the DOE EM Complex. On October 17th, 2024, FIU collaborated with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to feature a Tech Talk from Aditya Sundararajan titled “Significance of Resilient Analytics in Achieving the Energy Resilience of Microgrids”. This talk discussed the value of resilience in microgrid analytics to ensure we meet the operational objectives of energy resilience and security.

A Case Study: The Strategic Integration of Consensus Standards to Facilitate Fixative Technology Development, Deployment, and Acceptance

On July 16th, 2024, FIU featured a Tech Talk from Joseph (Joe) Sinicrope. Joe is a Research Scientist at FIU’s Applied Research Center leading the efforts of testing, evaluation, deployment of COTS-based technologies for DOE D&D activities. The title of the talk is “A Case Study: The Strategic Integration of Consensus Standards to Facilitate Fixative Technology Development, Deployment, and Acceptance”.

Development and Deployment of a ground robotic platform for radiation Radiological Contamination Detection

On April 16th, 2024, FIU collaborated with Los Alamos National Laboratory to feature a Tech Talk from Bryan Steinfeld titled “Development and Deployment of a ground robotic platform for radiation Radiological Contamination Detection”.

Uranium Characterization and Remediation at the Hanford Site

On January 16th, 2024, FIU collaborated with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to feature a Tech Talk with Dr. Hilary Emerson and Dr. Jim Szecsody titled “Uranium Characterization and Remediation at the Hanford Site”.

Natural Language Processing for Event Discovery, Extraction, and Inferential Forecasting

On October 18, 2023, FIU featured a Tech Talk with Dr. Thomas Danielson from Savannah River National Laboratory who presented his research on Natural Language Processing for Event Discovery, Extraction, and Inferential Forecasting.

AI/ML Research support for Advance Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Systems (ALTEMIS)

On July 18, 2023, FIU featured a Tech Talk from Jayesh Soni a Postdoctoral Associate at the FIU's Applied Research Center on AI/ML research support for Advance Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Systems (ALTEMIS).

DOE’s ALTEMIS Project: Advanced Long Term Monitoring of Complex Groundwater Plumes

On April 25, 2023, FIU featured a Tech Talk from Hansell Gonzalez-Raymat a Senior Scientist at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL). This talk focused on the DOE-EM project that is funding a National Laboratory team from Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to establish the overarching framework of long-term monitoring by systematically combining advanced hardware and software technologies.

International Perspective on Decommissioning with focus on 3D hazard aware digital and robotics technology based transformation

On January 24, 2023, FIU featured a Tech Talk from István Szőke, from the Institute for Energy Technology in Norway, who shared an international perspective on decommissioning with focus on 3D hazard aware digital and robotics technology based transformation.

University R&D and Deployment of Robotics Systems at DOE Facilities

On October 19, 2022, FIU featured a Tech Talk from FIU research and development robotic team about the recent robotics system deployment at DOE facilities.

Understanding Decontamination

On July 19, 2022, FIU featured a Tech Talk from retired Idaho National Laboratory scientist Rick Demmer to discuss how to stop worrying and learn to love engineering.

Decommissioning Knowledge Sharing in the 21st Century

On April 19, 2022, FIU featured a Tech Talk from Lawrence (Larry) Boing focusing on the Decommissioning Knowledge Sharing in the 21st Century.

Crack Detection and Localization Using Deep Learning Techniques

On January 18, 2022, FIU will feature a Tech Talk from DOE Fellow Roger Boza on his research performed at FIU’s Applied Research Center under DOE cooperative agreement focusing on using deep learning techniques to detect infrastructure crack at DOE facilities.

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Nuclear Power Industry

Florida International University (FIU) continues its Tech Talks series on October 19th, 2021 focusing on several D&D topics relevant to the DOE EM Complex. FIU will collaborate with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) focusing on the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Nuclear Power Industry.

Advanced Environmental Monitoring System (ALTEMIS): New Paradigm of Long-Term Monitoring

Florida International University (FIU) is conducting a series of Tech Talks focusing on several topics relevant to the DOE EM Complex. On July 20th 2021, FIU is collaborating with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) to present Tech Talk focused on Advanced Environmental Monitoring System (ALTEMIS) to ensure long-term environmental protection of DOE’s legacy sites.

Use of Robotics in Nuclear Applications

Florida International University (FIU) is conducting a series of Tech Talks focusing on several topics relevant to the DOE EM Complex. On April 20th 2021, FIU will collaborate with Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) focusing on the use of robotics in nuclear inspection and maintenance applications.

Successful Deployment of Fire-Retardant Fixative at SRS 235

FIU collaborated with Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) focusing on the successful deployment of the fire-retardant fixative tested by FIU which was recently deployed on site at SRNL.

This event is sponsored by The U.S. Department of Energy

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