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Demonstration Information

Technology Name: Diamond Wire Cutting of Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor Vacuum Vessel

Demonstration Name:Cutting a vaccum vessel surrogate | Demonstrated on: 8/23/1999
Demonstration Site: DOE Pricenton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Demo Objective

The primary objective of this demonstration was to determine if an effective method for dismantling TFTR was available that would not require workers to be in close proximity to highly contaminated and radioactive materials, thus decreasing the risk of personnel exposure. Such a technology could dramatically reduce health and safety risks for a D&D project.

Demo Results

As a result of this demonstration, the technology has also proven to be applicable to size reduction of large metal vessels such as, reactors, heat exchangers, and tanks when combined with some form of concrete matrix. The technology is particularly advantageous when there are significant health and safety concerns with the baseline technology. Selection of a concrete filler that meets the cutting, stabilization and shipping constraints is also critical to the success of the project. Strong consideration must be given to the selection of water or liquid nitrogen as the cooling media. This decision must be based upon particular radionuclide hazards and their application to feasible engineering controls for each media. Liquid waste generation and the subsequent solidification and treatment can be costly and difficult. In contrast, the airborne dry particulate generated when using LN cooling is also of concern along with oxygen deficiency. Removal of the graphite tiles at the cutting locations is also receiving strong consideration in future planning to reduce emissions during cutting. The use of a larger diameter wire would result in cutting through the shoulders of the parting joint which increases the amount of material (stainless steel) to be cut before cutting of the actual vessel wall. If the structure (to be cut) allows the use of a larger diameter wire, greater tension can be placed on the wire,which can increase cutting rate.


Vacuum Vessel Surggogate prior to filling Vacuum Vessel Surggogate prior to filling
Vaccum Vessel Surrogate Vaccum Vessel Surrogate


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Location: https://www.dndkm.org/Technology/DemoFactSheet.aspx?TechDemoID=161&name=Cutting%20a%20vaccum%20vessel%20surrogate
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