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Demonstration Information

Technology Name: Dual Arm Work Platform Teleoperated Robotics System

Demonstration Name:Remove Carbon Steel Ring | Demonstrated on: 6/1/1997
Demonstration Site: Chicago Pile-5 Reactor

Demo Objective

To perform mechanical dismantlement of the radioactive reactor and bio-shield structures components (including the graphite block reflector, lead and boral sheeting)

Demo Results

The DAWP was very successful in meeting most of the stated objectives. The DAWP was successful in the three areas of the demonstration, including Showcasing DAWP­Ýs to dismantle and remove the reactor vessel, graphite, and miscellaneous low level waste from the reactor Working in conjunction with Rosie, a mobile teleoperated robot, to move radioactive materials from the reactor assembly to a staging area using a specially designed steel transfer can And performing remote miscellaneous tasks (i.e., size reduction of activated material, removal of bolts, etc) that the DAWP was not necessarily designed to do, but for which remote operations were required.


Technician performs maintenance Technician performs maintenance
DAWP during demonstration DAWP during demonstration


Copyright 2011-2018 Deactivation & Decommissioning Knowledge Management Information Tool (D&D KM-IT)
Location: https://www.dndkm.org/Technology/DemoFactSheet.aspx?TechDemoID=166&name=Remove%20Carbon%20Steel%20Ring
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