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Demonstration Information

Technology Name: Mobile Work Platform

Demonstration Name:Plant 6G's Northwest corner | Demonstrated on: 11/1/1998
Demonstration Site: Fernald Environmental Management Project

Demo Objective

-Reduce health and safety hazards to D&D laborers: -Remove the personnel from "harm's way" (falling debris or sectioned pipes that are positioned overhead) -Reducing the quantity of labor intensive work -Eliminate the need for personnel to work at elevated heights -Reduce the injury potential from handling segmented pipes with sharp edges -Reduce the potential for airborne contamination Provide a cost-effective alternative for pipe and conduit removal To find a technology that is capable of holding, crimping, cutting and lowering to the ground up to 6 in. diameter, schedule 40 thickness, carbon steel pipe and de-energized electrical conduit with minimum labor and risk to personnel.

Demo Results

The MWP was able to remove all the pipe and conduit identified for removal during the demonstration. A total of 844 linear feet of pipe were removed. The longest single section of pipe removed with bends was 29 ft in length (4 in. diameter carbon steel with 2 in. insulation).The MWP technology can be remotely operated up to 100 ft from the chassis thus reducing the risk and exposure to workers


MWP removing overhead pipe MWP removing overhead pipe


Copyright 2011-2018 Deactivation & Decommissioning Knowledge Management Information Tool (D&D KM-IT)
Location: https://www.dndkm.org/Technology/DemoFactSheet.aspx?TechDemoID=183&name=Plant%206G%27s%20Northwest%20corner
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