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Demonstration Information

Technology Name: NITON XL-800 Series Multi-Element Spectrum Analyzer

Demonstration Name:Metal Pieces (Carbon Steel) | Demonstrated on: 6/1/1999
Demonstration Site: Idaho National Engineering And Environmental Lab

Demo Objective

The major objectives were to evaluate the NITON Analyzer against the baseline technology in several areas including: Cost,Productivity,rates, Ease of use, Limitations and benefits. The secondary objective of the demonstration was to show the feasibility of segregating scrap metal using the NITON Analyzer. This was done by determining the segregation cost per weight of metal.

Demo Results

This technology was evaluated under identical physical conditions. Every attempt was made to allow work to proceed under normal conditions with no bias. All parties involved in the demonstration were requested to perform the work normally with no special emphasis on speed or efficiency. The NITON XL-800 Series Multi-Element Analyzer is a fully developed technology that is commercially available for field analyzing metal material. It has the potential to reduce costs for field screening and characterization on any D&D project.


NITON XL-800 Series Multi-Element Analyzer being used NITON XL-800 Series Multi-Element Analyzer being used
NITON XL-800 Series Multi-Element Analyzer being used to analyze system piping NITON XL-800 Series Multi-Element Analyzer being used to analyze system piping


Copyright 2011-2018 Deactivation & Decommissioning Knowledge Management Information Tool (D&D KM-IT)
Location: https://www.dndkm.org/Technology/DemoFactSheet.aspx?TechDemoID=229&name=Metal%20Pieces%20(Carbon%20Steel)
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