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Demonstration Information

Technology Name: Porter-Cable Circular Saw with Vacuum System

Demonstration Name:Segment FRP Crates | Demonstrated on: 8/13/2001
Demonstration Site: Applied Research Center (formerly HCET)

Demo Objective

To evaluate performance of the Porter-Cable circular saw with respect to its ability to segment FRP crates following the HCET Test Plan especially designed for this purpose.

Demo Results

The technology successfully and efficiently demonstrated its ability to perform horizontal and vertical cuts on the assigned glovebox FRP crate. LANL technicians found this tool very light and fast during cutting activities. Even though the saw has a vacuum cleaner hose as an attachment, LANL technicians worked with it very smoothly. The Porter-Cable vacuum system was able to collect up to 87% of the sawdust generated during the demonstration. It efficiently size-reduced the FRP crate including nails and a 1/16” stainless steel metal piece inserted in the crate. However, the saw could not cut through the stainless steel plate. Sawdust was generated during cutting activities (secondary waste). It is recommended that operators spend 30 to 60 minutes practicing with the tool prior to initiating crate size reduction to maximize tool performance.


Porter-Cable circular saw during demonstration. Porter-Cable circular saw during demonstration.
Crate segments after assessment. Crate segments after assessment.


Copyright 2011-2018 Deactivation & Decommissioning Knowledge Management Information Tool (D&D KM-IT)
Location: https://www.dndkm.org/Technology/DemoFactSheet.aspx?TechDemoID=291&name=Segment%20FRP%20Crates
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