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Technology Factsheet

Clamshell Lathe

Category: Dismantlement > Mechanical Cutting Equipment > Circular Cutting Saw
Reference # : Model No : 606 Unit and 602 Unit

Split lathe cutting (also referred to as clamshell cutting) is a cold cutting method that can be used in controlled environments where thermal cutting methods are unacceptable. The lathe consists of two halves that can be mounted and clamped on the circular surface. After mounting, clamshells can be operated by remote control, making them perfectly suited for machining operations in nuclear, underwater, or other hazardous situations. They are able to produce machined surfaces without heat-affected zones and hold close diameter and face tolerances on end preps within thousands of an inch. Clamshells simplify the process of cutting to length and end prepping by performing both operations. The tool bit design allows the high machining speeds and feed rates. A simple feed control provides optimal cut depth to match most materials. Tool blocks are heat treated for durability and parts that could be damaged, such as gears, pins, and bearings, are protected to reduce the chance of accidental damage. Dimensions(LXWXH): Model 606: 11.4 inches wide Model 602: 5.1 inches wide Weight of Technology Model(lb): Model 606: 37 lbs Model 602: 12 lbs


Low operating cost; capable of cutting all materials; portable, quick set up; no airborne particles; low maintenance;


Radial and axial clearances need to be reviewed to determine mounting location on pipe and equipment model considerations for specific sizes.




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