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Technology Factsheet


Category: Dismantlement > Heavy Equipment > Robotic System
Reference # : Model No : Electric Shears & High Pressure Water

The Houdini vehicle is track driven, hydraulically powered, tele-operated, folding frame platform designed specifically for operation in hostile environments. It can be outfitted or handle different type of tools as the following:High-pressure water (HPW) cutting tool. This tool system is a 20000-psi, 5gpm Water cutting technology. Its cutting generates no heat, sparks or air borne Dust particles. However, the water needs to contain andrite garnet abrasive blasting media. Secondary waste wastewater with media, which can be recycled after proper filtration. Electric shears: Power hawk P-16 utilizes aerospace technology to deliver high output forces to the tool attachments/electric shears. The electric shear is easily set using high strength steel pins. This system is presented as an alternative tool for hydraulic shears, which may generate engine and fuel fumes. The Houdini I was demonstrated and operated at the Gunite and Associate Tanks (GAAT) at ORNL in 1997 and 1998. A Houdini II was developed in 1998 and deployed for the first time at GAAT in January 1999. An "Innovative Technology Summary Report" was generated based on the use of this technology at ORNL which can be found at HOUDINI ITSR link . By summer 2000, a newer version of the Houdini was available and demonstrated at Florida International University. This newer version was also used as the platform for the Pioneer technology.


The technology is a teleoperated manipulator system, which has a potential use for hostile environments. It is mobile and easy to operate; however, its set up and tear down is time consuming. No fumes were generated during demonstration time. Cutting activities can be conducted under safe conditions to operators, evaluators, and the environment. Technology was capable of performing several cuttings on a 0.25 in. metal plate, 2 in. pipe diameter, and 1 in. electric conduit diameter with electric shears.


RedZone was not able to perform any size reduction on any of the FIU-HCET surrogates set as mock ups. Wastewater generation is high compared with cutting time. Cutting tools selected by RedZone (high pressure water cutting and electric shears)were not suitable to perform the segmentation; cutting tools needed to be selected depending on the type of material and thickness.




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