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As more and more attention is being directed toward the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, the need for a standardized approach for implementing the necessary radiological surveys has become apparent. A multi-agency committee representing the NRC, DOE, EPA, and DOD has attempted to address this need by producing a guidance document known as the MARSSIM manual. ORAU is conducting this five-day course to familiarize those who need to know with the theory and implementation of the MARSSIM manual. The American Academy of Health Physics will grant 32 Continuing Education Credits for completion of this course.


This five-day course emphasizes the decision-making processes involved in the design and implementation of a MARSSIM-based decommissioning survey. Topics include an overview of radiological survey types, the data quality objectives process, selection and application of DCGLs, background reference area selection, survey instrument detection sensitivity, area classification, statistical design of surveys, measurement uncertainty, and performing statistical tests.

Who should attend

This course is designed for those individuals who will be responsible for designing the decommissioning radiological survey plans, overseeing the implementation of these plans, and evaluating the collected data. It is not designed for the technicians who will actually be performing the surveys.


$1,995 — The tuition includes the full cost of training, books, and instructional materials. Attendees will also receive a free copy of the PTP Electronic Library DVD.

Further Information

MARSSIM Information

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