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D&D Dictionary

Popular deactivation and decommissioning terms and their definitions.

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Listing: D


     The process of placing a facility in a stable and known condition including the removal of hazardous and radioactive materials to ensure adequate protection of the worker, public health and safety, and the environment, thereby limiting the long-term cost of surveillance and maintenance.

    Deactivation Final Report

     The document prepared after the technical work has been performed and verified and that describes the deactivation project activities, accomplishments, final facility status, and cost and perfor


     Takes place after deactivation and includes surveillance and maintenance, decontamination, and/or dismantlement. These actions are taken at the end of the life of a facility to retire it from service with adequate regard for the health and safety of workers and the public and protection of the environment.

    Decommissioning Final Report

     The document prepared after the technical work has been performed and verified and that describes the decommissioning project activities, accomplishments, final facility status, and cost and performance information.

    Decommissioning Framework

    The series of action steps to be followed in completing the decommissioning of a contaminated DOE surplus facility as described in the Decommissioning Implementation Guide. The same framework applies whether the decommissioning is being performed under CERCLA or outside the CERCLA arena.

    Decommissioning Plan

    The documentation that specifies the decommissioning work to be done. A decommissioning plan or equivalent documentation is required for nuclear facilities under DOE


     The removal or reduction of residual radioactive and hazardous materials by mechanical, chemical or other techniques to achieve a stated objective or end condit


     The disassembly or demolition and removal of any structure, system, or component during decommissioning and satisfactory interim or long-term disposal of the residue from all or portions of a fa


     Final placement or destruction of toxic, radioactive, or other waste, surplus or banned pesticides or other chemicals, polluted soils, and drums containing hazardous materials from removal actions or accidental releases.


     Those activities that follow completion of program mission, including, but not limited to, surveillance and maintenance, deactivation, and decommissioning.
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