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Nuclear Facility

 Those activities, processes, or operations that involve radioactive materials or fissionable materials in such form, quantity, or concentration that a nuclear hazard potentially exists to the employees or general public. Included are activities or operations that: 1) produce process or store radioactive liquid, solid waste, fissionable materials, or tritium; 2) conduct separations operations; 3) conduct irradiated materials inspection, fuel fabrication, decontamination, or recovery operations; 4) conduct fuel enrichment operations; or 5) perform environmental remediation or waste management activities involving radioactive materials. Incidental use and generation of radioactive materials in a facility operation (e.g., check and calibration sources and use of radioactive sources in research, experimental and analytical laboratory activities, electron microscopes, and x-ray machines) would not ordinarily require the facility to be included in this definition. Accelerators and their operations are not included.


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