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10/17/2024 02:00 PM
10/17/2024 03:00 PM
Tech Talk - Significance of Resilient Analytics in Achieving the Energy Resilience of Microgrids
Florida International University (FIU) is conducting a series of D&D Tech Talks focusing on D&D topics relevant to the DOE EM Complex. On October 17th, 2024, FIU will collaborate with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to feature a Tech Talk from Aditya Sundararajan titled “Significance of Resilient Analytics in Achieving the Energy Resilience of Microgrids”. This talk will discuss the value of resilience in microgrid analytics to ensure we meet the operational objectives of energy resilience and security.
Florida International University (FIU) is conducting a series of D&D Tech Talks focusing on D&D topics relevant to the DOE EM Complex. On October 17th, 2024, FIU will collaborate with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to feature a Tech Talk from Aditya Sundararajan titled “Significance of Resilient Analytics in Achieving the Energy Resilience of Microgrids”. This talk will discuss the value of resilience in microgrid analytics to ensure we meet the operational objectives of energy resilience and security.
Standalone and networked microgrids bring immense benefits to the consumers they serve and the main grid they interconnect with. However, these systems have multiple types of boundaries: physical, electrical (power and protection), and logical (data, communications, and control). Information exchange across and within these boundaries become complicated when considering the emerging issue of distributed behind-the-meter analytics, microgrid ownership, and their implications on controllability. With the growing frequency of extreme weather events and an increased attack surface due to more non-utility-managed devices coming online, there is an increased concern for data quality-aware and privacy-preserving analytics. This calls for a rethinking of the existing data flow and computation approaches, accounting for the emerging constraints such as ownership, quality, privacy, and security. This talk will discuss the value of resilience in microgrid analytics to ensure we meet the operational objectives of energy resilience and security. Insights into these issues from ongoing projects will be briefly highlighted.
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Aditya Sundararajan (Senior Member, IEEE) is an R&D Associate Staff with the Grid Systems Architecture group in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He received his M.S. in computer engineering and Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering, both from the Florida International University, Miami. He has more than 50 publications in renowned journals and conference proceedings, and his research interests include applied machine learning, privacy-preserving data analytics, and emerging data strategies to address challenges in microgrids and distribution grid intelligence. He also serves as Secretary for the IEEE PELS/PES East Tennessee Joint Chapter..
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This event is being hosted using Microsoft Teams. It is required for every attendee to have this app installed on their desktop or mobile device. You can download this app from the following link or use the links of the sidebar for mobile devices.
This event is sponsored by The U.S. Department of Energy